If you are serious about passing the PTCB exam with minimal effort, this course will be all you need. You will notice that each module walks you through the material in the book, 'How to Pass the PTCB exam' that was downloaded and available for immediate use that is included in this course. You will also notice after each lecture from each module there is a quiz to reinforce what you learned. As you go down the modules you will notice the calculation section that walks you through the calculations that are most likely on the test in an easy step-by-step way. That section will help walk you through the most challenging problems. As you look at the next module you will see three practice exams (two from the modules and one from the end of the book), that are very similar to the actual exam. If you do not like the course for any reason, you have 30 days for a full refund. If you do not pass the PTCB exam in 60 days, you can get a full refund at that time. If you find an online PTCB prep course that is cheaper, just email the name of the course and the price to [email protected] and we will beat the price by $10. There is absolutely nothing to lose.

Peter Logsdon is a pharmacist from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has 30 years' experience in retail and hospital pharmacy helping his technicians pass this important exam.

The cost is $59.95 which includes the PTCB study guide, all the learning modules with quizzes, calculations worked out, three practice exams (one from the textbook and two at the end of the lectures), and unlimited access for 6 months.

This is the best PTCB prep available and if you can find a cheaper online course, we will beat the price by $10.