This course took me 8 months to complete. I first completed the book, "How to Pass the PTCB Exam", in 2018 and put it on Amazon. The book started selling but I got a poor review saying that the calculations were hard to follow. Then I had the idea to make a website where I explained clearly, step-by-step, all the most challenging calculations and explain clearly all the topics in the book so the material becomes easy to learn. Understanding calculations from a book is not easy for everyone, often becoming tedious and difficult to comprehend. This is my background:
I grew up in a very poor single parent household with no car and barely enough food. As soon as I was old enough, I started delivering papers before and after school. I begged my mother to let me have music lessons, but she said we couldn't afford it. I felt sad often but my German Shepherd dog, Queenie, was my best friend. I loved that dog, and she made me incredibly happy. I used to dream of having a large yard so we could play all day and she could run around free. We used to run through the forest together. As I got older, I worked several jobs to pay for school then I enlisted in the Air Force band to pay for college. While in the Air Force, I heard Queenie died which devastated me. Later on, music scholarships paid for college and so I could focus on my studies. I earned my first bachelor's degree from the University of Illinois in chemistry then worked for the crime lab as a chemist. I wanted a career that paid well so I earned my doctorate in pharmacy from the University of Illinois. I write about what I know and what I love. I know pharmacy very well and I helped my technicians pass the PTCB exam. They had to pass; it was the only way I could work with quality technicians. Technicians are the backbone of the pharmacy; without them the pharmacy couldn't function. There is a shortage of pharmacists and good technicians, especially now, because of the stress and additional duties such as vaccinations. Most pharmacies provide study materials and pay for the test because they know that. If they didn't pass, they had to leave. Pharmacy technicians need to understand both retail and hospital pharmacy to pass the test. It's good to know both anyway so they have that choice of where to work.
I got married to a wonderful woman and I have an amazing son. I got another German Shepherd, Sarge, who gave me 9 years of complete unconditional love. He died suddenly from hemangiosarcoma (cancer) of the heart. I wrote another book called, "My Best Friend/Sarah and Lucky" about the friendship of a dog and a little girl--available on Amazon. I have been a chemist and pharmacist for the majority of my life, but nothing gives me greater satisfaction than spending time with my family, including my dog.